Friday, March 7, 2008

Mining for lost SMS messages?

If you by chance happened to delete your messages, and feel like reading them again, then here's what Kishore from says you gotta do:

To do this you need to have FExplorer on your Nokia Phone. (or click on the link)

  1. Open FExplorer.
  2. Select drive C: or D: depending on the memory in which the SMS messages have been saved.
  3. In my case I selected C: , Then open "system" folder. Then in the "system" folder open "mail" folder. Then in this folder u will see different folders (eg 0010001_s) and certain files (eg 00100000). These files are the actually messages.
  4. Browse through each folder and chack for the file till u get the one that you are looking for.( a very tiring process..Zzzzzzzzzz)
  5. For opening the files don't choose options>file>open as it will show format not supported rather choose options>file>hex/text viewer. By selecting the "Hex/ text viewer" you ll be able to open and read the deleted SMS message.
Have a great time mining though your collections! ;)

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