Saturday, August 8, 2009

Need another anti-virus now..

I'd blogged some time before about the adverse effects that anti-virus apps have on our systems whether it be the OS of a smartphone or your desktop. What's more these days it is not enough that you have secured your smartphone, you may still get attacked from your computer(remember folder.exe ?). After being the victim of yet another attack recently, i decided to scour the net for a different solution using newer anti-virus apps.

The first one i came across is VIPRE from Sunbelt software. It uses a spyware+antivirus engine that makes a combined effect to keep your operating system clean. It's Advantages are:
  • High-performance threat protection with low impact on system resources
  • Scans email for malware threats
  • Cutting-edge Proactive Protection guards you 24/7
  • Advanced anti-rootkit technologies
  • Small, regular definition updates greatly reduce update downloading time
  • VIPRE has three extra bonus tools: a history cleaner, a secure file eraser, and the PC Explorer for advanced users.
This might be just another Antivirus Software, or it could be something better. Let's wait and see. Or you could go the DIY wasy and get your own VIPRE ware on your system using the free 15 day trial that Sunbelt Software offers.

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